Man accused of killing two children at Quebec daycare to stand trial in April 2025


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LAVAL, Que. - The man accused of murdering two children and injuring six others after a city bus crashed into a Montreal-area daycare is scheduled to stand trial over five weeks beginning in April 2025.

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LAVAL, Que. – The man accused of murdering two children and injuring six others after a city bus crashed into a Montreal-area daycare is scheduled to stand trial over five weeks beginning in April 2025.

Superior Court Justice Lyne Décarie today set Pierre Ny St-Amand’s trial for next April 7 to May 9, but suggested the dates could be moved forward if the schedules of the lawyers in the case open up.

St-Amand was arrested after a transit bus crashed into the front of a daycare in Laval, Que., on Feb. 8, 2023, killing two young children, aged five and four, and injuring six others.

A woman lights a candle at a memorial outside a church close to the site of a daycare centre in Laval, Que, Thursday, February 9, 2023, where a bus crashed into the building killing two children. The man accused of murdering two children and injuring six others after a city bus crashed into Montreal-area daycare is scheduled to stand trial over five weeks beginning April 2025. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Graham Hughes
A woman lights a candle at a memorial outside a church close to the site of a daycare centre in Laval, Que, Thursday, February 9, 2023, where a bus crashed into the building killing two children. The man accused of murdering two children and injuring six others after a city bus crashed into Montreal-area daycare is scheduled to stand trial over five weeks beginning April 2025. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Graham Hughes

In March a Quebec court judge ruled after a preliminary inquiry that there was sufficient evidence to send the case to trial.

The former Laval transit driver will stand trial on two charges of first-degree murder and seven other charges, including attempted murder and aggravated assault.

The case is scheduled to return to court on June 11.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published May 9, 2024.

Note to readers: This is a corrected story. A previous version said a judge ruled in February that the case would be sent to trial. In fact, the judge made that ruling in March.

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